Sole Custody is Not Likely
Think you will get “sole” custody? Think again. The courts in Wisconsin generally tend to favor joint legal custody as well as physical custody where possible. Divorce & Family Law
Think you will get “sole” custody? Think again. The courts in Wisconsin generally tend to favor joint legal custody as well as physical custody where possible. Divorce & Family Law
Do traffic laws place an unfair burden on drivers with lower income?
Getting pulled over by a police officer can be an unnerving experience. It helps to know what to do. Follow these steps to protect your legal rights during a traffic stop. Traffic Defense
Wisconsin's status as a community property state requires a 50/50 division of marital assets and debts. The court may consider your retirement fund to be shared property if you contributed to the account during the marriage. Learn more about the possible fate of your...
Any Wisconsin estate in excess of $50,000 must go through probate unless the conditions are met for a specific exemption. Exemptions include assets that are jointly owned, assets with chosen beneficiaries, and assets in a revocable living trust.